Saturday, February 24, 2007

A Good Conscience....

The other day in school I was walking arm in arm with my best friends down the hall on my way to lunch. I noticed a group of mexican girls gathered in a little circle by one of the gym doors. My friends continued walking when i let go of their arms to stare. As i watched these girls ( ninth graders) were tormenting some of the young seventh graders trying to get to their PE class in the gym. When one of the young girls would try to walk in... one of the older girls would push them backwards and say "stupid-ass white girl" My eyes immediately filled with tears as i walked over to the young girls. grabbing each one by the hand i took them to the entrance only eigth graders are allowed to go in through...which leads directly into the dressing room. the both looked terrified. I told them my name and me theirs.....anyways that day i thought it was weird to find out that racism is only going away from white people...i never would have imagined what i had witnessed that i gained to new friends...and a really good conscience.....which i actually really needed......


Anonymous said...

oh my are so cute. AND you have alittle mexican in you, which is even better! love you! you must be at your dad' my cell! we are going to austin's bball game in Springfield, IL today. lub you!

heather said...

you were very brave and did the right thing. I am proud of you. i will call soon. heath

rachie + kennedy said...

That makes me feel soo sad. I can't believe there is still segregation but fliped backwards. That also makes me feel not knowing. Your in 8th grade already! I was about to cry. Then I saw the pic of the cat and wondered what does that have to do with this post, then I finished reading the post. By the way can you comment your email adress I don't know where yours is.We definatally need to talk.

Anonymous said...

YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats on switching houses! I can't wait to see you!

rachie + kennedy said...

Reading that paragraph makes me know how great of a cousin you are. That was very awesome of you to do that! Love ya lots!!!!!